Abstract Submission

If you do not find a fitting session, choose “Other”; we will harmonize all “other” abstract submissions into coherent sessions. At this time, just the corresponding author must be reported; once the abstract is approved, you will have the chance to provide all the information about all authors and institutions. If you wish, you can add this information to the body of the abstract. Please, do not abuse capital letters! Please, use only ASCII characters in the abstract. No fancy formatting, no symbols, no equations, no figures; just a simple and plain abstract.

Name of corresponding author(Required)
For now, only the corresponding author is needed. Once the submission is approved, you will have the chance to enter all co-authors
Look for a description of the sessions in the landing page. If you do not think that any sessions fit you, simply choose other.
Only poster presentations are accepted at this point
Travel Award Request
Awards already resolved
Do not use “:” in the title.
Cut and paste your abstract. You may repeat title and author, and include co-authors. Do not include equations or figures. This abstract will be used for evaluation purposes.