The Grand Arsenal
Akti Enoseos & Pl. Katechaki
Chania, 73132
The Grand Arsenal has been restored as an impressive venue for international events and exhibitions.

The construction of the Chania Arsenals (Venetian for “Shipyards”) began in 1497 and with gradual additions two impressive complexes were eventually formed. The first, at the eastern end of the harbor, comprised five arsenals, while the other, even further to the east, alongside today´s dock that had not been constructed at that time, comprehended seventeen adjacent arsenal. The westernmost was “The Grand Arsenal”.
The construction of the Grand Arsenal was initiated in 1585 under Intendant Alvise Grimani and was concluded in 1600. Initially, there was just a ground floor but with the addition of a first floor in 1872, during the late Ottoman period, the building entered a new era. The Grand Arsenal was used for many important civil purposes such as housing the Christian Community’s School. Starting in 1892, plays are also held in the main hall. After 1923 it was used as a public hospital, whereas from 1928 to 1941 it was used as the Town Hall.
- Main conference room: capacity of 180-200 people.
- 2 conference rooms (for parallel sessions): capacity of 50 people each.